Muscular Misconceptions - On-Demand Webinar
In this comprehensive on-demand webinar, with photograhs of Gillian's signature anatomical paintings and photographs from dissections, Gillian delves deep into exactly which muscles lie underneath the saddle and girth area. Gillian sorts the facts from the fiction, examines their importance to riding, posture, training, health, comfort and tack fit and dispel some myths about their anatomy and function.
Muscles covered include the: -
Large gymnastic muscles - longissimus and latissimus dorsi
Superficial muscles - cutaneous trunci
Deep vertebral muscles – multifidus
Breathing muscles
Muscles connecting the shoulder blade to the back.
Having a thorough understanding of the structures which lie underneath the saddle and girth area will enable us to:-
Improve sympathetic and intuitive riding and training.
Apply aids in tune with the horse’s movement and muscle contraction
Select the most appropriate training exercises for improving muscle atrophy
Improve ability to select and fit appropriate saddles and girths for individual horses.
Watch Trailer
This on-demand webinar was recorded on the
2nd February 2022 and is episode 1 of series 3.
Course Structure
Following an introduction this webinar covers the:-
Cutaneous muscle
Trapezius muscle
Latissimus dorsi muscle
Abdominal muscles
Pectoral muscles
Dorsal serrate muscles
Ventral serrate muscles
Superficial back muscles
Deep back muscles
This is a must see for all riders, saddlery professionals and anyone wishing to understand more about the muscular anatomy underneath the saddle. After this on-demand webinar you will look at a horse’s back from a whole new perspective.
Anytime - Anywhere - As many times as you like!
Once purchased, you can watch this on-demand webinar at any time and as many times as you like from any device and from the comfort of your own home! Just make sure you are logged in and then watch it by pressing the button below.
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