This unique online learning resource offers recorded webinars, online lecture demonstrations and video lectures with the aim of boosting your knowledge of equine anatomy and biomechanics, discover which exercises to use to improve your horse’s posture, learn all about the latest thinking and research from leading equestrian experts. New content is added regularly, and once purchased you will have lifetime access so you can refer to it time and time again.
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Whether you want to learn the skills and techniques to massage your horse, understand and assess equine movement, rehabilitate the sacroiliac region or learn more about the head anatomy and how it affects comfort and performance there is a video course to help you with this and more.
Purchase access to the complete collection of each of our webinar Wednesday series and the lecture demonstration series. Build up a comprehensive learning resource on all things related to equine movement, posture and performance.
Purchase individual on-demand webinars in a pick and mix style. Gillian’s clear descriptions, the use of live painted horses, slow motion video footage and anatomical models make the subjects so easy to understand. These hugely popular recorded webinars cover, in details, subjects related to equine anatomy and biomechanics, how your horse moves and functions as well as discovering which exercises to use to improve your horse’s way of going. Topics covered include Understanding your horse’s back, Understanding your horse’s neck, Muscles and Fascia, Biomechanics of lateral work, Poles for Posture, Polework and Gymnastic Jumping, The Biomechanics of walk, trot and canter and so much more…
Gillian Higgins brings you her signature live painted horse lecture demonstration direct to your laptop. Learn from the comfort of home with this comprehensive collection of demonstrations that brings the subject of equine biomechanics and anatomy to life in a fun and easy to understand way. This series of four online lecture demonstrations (available to buy as a complete collection or individually) explores how equine anatomy and biomechanics can be applied to movement, riding, training and management.
This comprehensive library of on-demand seminars covers a wide range of topics presented by equestrian experts all leaders in their field. Study and discover the latest research on areas of equine anatomy, biomechanics and management. Subjects covered included understanding tendons and ligaments, recognising pain-related poor performance, training the brain, orthopaedic problems, destistry and the Horses Inside Out Conference.
These free to view tutorial videos available to Academy members offer an insight into the world of equine anatomy and biomechanics. Gillian gives her tips and advice on a number of different topics such as maintaining healthy joints, using polework, carrot exercises and managing the older horse. You will also find a number of interviews with leading equestrian experts included Dr Sue Dyson, Dr Andrew Hemmings, Kelly Marks and Dr Vibeke Elbrønd.