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Here you will find a wealth of information about equine anatomy and biomechanics. We regularly publish articles full of exercises and top tips to help you improve your horse's musculoskeletal health, comfort and performance. Authors include Gillian Higgins, the Horses Inside Out team and a host of other equestrian specialists all world leaders in their field.

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Whatever you do in the equine world Horses Inside Out can meet your equine anatomy learning needs. From in-person seminars, practical workshops, lecture demonstrations and events to live webinars and on-demand courses both CPD for equestrian professionals and horse owners we offer a wide range of different events so there is something for everyone interested in horses wherever you are in the world. 

Events are led by Gillian Higgins, equine anatomy and biomechanics specialist and world-leading educator, as well as other guest equestrian professionals. Throughout the year Horses Inside Out hosts regular Webinar Wednesdays, Seminar Series, CPD Therapy Masterclasses and an Biennial Equine Science Conference as well as presenting Gillian's world famous live painted horse lecture demonstrations. These events are designed to help horse owners, riders, trainers, therapists, and veterinarians understand how the horse's body works and how to improve health, performance, and welfare. If you are interested in arranging an event with us please do get in touch.


Wavendon Grange, Lawn Lane, Old Dalby, Leics. LE14 3LW. UK


+44(0)7413 884102

+44(0)7947 242262

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