Get A-Head!!
The integral role dentistry, bridle fit and understanding anatomy play in equine comfort and performance
An On-Demand Seminar with Dr Chris Pearce and Gillian Higgins

The complex anatomical and biomechanical connections of the horse’s head (including the hyoid and the TMJ) to the rest of the horse’s body mean that comfort in this area can have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the horse’s body and performance.
In a world where horses are often asked to perform at high levels and social license is starting to be questioned, it is important, whatever our involvement with horses that we have a thorough understanding of the pressures placed upon the horse’s head and the potential problems they can cause. Dental disease, bit and bridle fit can cause poor performance, and it is up to us to learn to recognize the signs when things aren’t quite right.
This seminar – presented by Dr Chris Pearce and Gillian Higgins is aimed at equestrian professionals and horse owners who are keen to learn about the anatomy of the horse’s head and how it can be applied to improve the comfort, training and way of going of the horse.
Subjects to be covered will include:
Anatomical connections of the head to the rest of the body
Bitting injuries and how to avoid them
Dental disease as a cause of poor performance
Anatomy and problems in the TMJ and Hyoid Apparatus
Modern dental practices
Tips for bridle and bit fitting
Who is this seminar for?
Coaches, therapist, bridle and bit fitters, saddlers, horse owners and riders. It is ideal for anyone wishing to learn about the latest scientific developments and boosting our understanding of the horse’s head, dentistry, and anatomy related to bridle fit and design.
Lectures Included
Anatomical Connections with Gillian (52 mins)
Dental Disease as a Cause of Poor Performance with Chris (1 hour)
Question and Answer Session 1 (12 mins)
Anatomy of the Head Related to Bridle Fit and Design with Gillian (33 mins)
Bitting Injuries and How to Avoid them with Chris (1 hour)
Question and Answer Session 2 (11 mins)
Modern Dental Practices – A tour of the EDC with Gillian (15mins)
Modern Dentistry Practices – What’s the New Normal? with Chris (47 mins)
Question and Answer Session 3 (18mins)
The TMJ and Hyoid Apparatus – Anatomy and Biomechanics with Gillian (25 mins)
The TMJ and Hyoid Apparatus – A Scientific Review of Problems with Chris (50 mins)
Question and Answer Session 4 (6 mins)
About the Presenters

Dr Chris Pearce
Veterinary surgeon and equine dental specialist
Chris is an RCVS and EBVS European Specialist in Equine Veterinary Dentistry, and the founding director of Equine Dental Clinic Ltd (EDC). As well as performing advanced referral treatments, Chris teaches, lectures and examines widely on equine dentistry in the UK and worldwide.
He is past chairman of the BEVA/BVDA examining committee for EDT exams, past BEVA Council representative for equine dentistry, past chairman of the BEVA Dental Working Party for political aspects relating to dentistry – and winner of the Pet Plan Vet of the Year Award for 2011, an achievement that the judges awarded in recognition of Chris’s work in equine dentistry and the beneficial effect on equine welfare.
Chris is the Senior VicePresident of the European Veterinary Dental College, the authority that trains and regulates veterinary dental specialists across Europe. Chris is dedicated to advancing the science of equine dentistry and is particularly interested in novel restorative and preservative treatments. This has placed Chris at the forefront of equine dentistry worldwide.
Chris has presented several times at the Horses Inside Out conference and always delivers a fascinating and pertinent presentation for the horse owner and equestrian professional to help improve the health, welfare and performance of horses.

Gillian Higgins
Equine Anatomist and Biomechanist
Gillian Higgins, founder and principal lecturer of Horses Inside Out, is an anatomist, biomechanist lecturer and author. Gillian is passionate about horses, anatomy and sharing all she knows for the good of the horse. Having competed up to advanced level eventing and achieved her BHS Senior Coach and completed multiple therapy qualifications. Gillian is in a great place to apply anatomy to riding, training and therapy.
Over the years Gillian has created anatomical models and sculptures as well as a vast video and photo collection of anatomically painted horses which she will use in her presentations to bring the topic to life.
Gillian is an ambassador for improving equine dentistry, bit and bridle fit standards in the equine industry. Having studied the anatomy of the horse’s head and collected footage through dissections, and creating anatomical models Gillian has written one of the best anatomy books illustrating the external structures of the horse’s head. Illustrated Head Anatomy is recommended and used by vets, bit and bridle fitters as well as colleges and universtities for gaining a better understanding of equine anatomy.