The Pilates Exercise Selector Demo
To help you and your horse get the most out of this Pilates programme we have devised this useful Exercise Selector.
Consider what aims you have with your horse, then look through the list of scenarios below, select one of our suggested keywords or simply put a keyword or phrase into the search box. The Exercise Selector will then suggest the most appropriate Pilates exercises for you to include in a programme with your horse.
Following an injury, trauma or diagnosis, we would highly recommend that you work with your vet and physiotherapist to devise the best therapeutic exercise rehabilitation programme for your horse’s needs. The rehabilitation process is often a road with many twists and turns which may require a programme review and adaptation.
If you are in any doubt whatsoever as to the efficacy of the exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
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Improving Forelimb Stride Length and Shoulder Mobility

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help to increase and maintain forelimb stride length, general forelimb range of movement and shoulder joint range of movement. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving Hindlimb Stride Length, Tight Hamstrings and Hip Mobility

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help to increase and maintain hindlimb stride length, hindlimb range of movement generally and hip joint range of movement. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Maintaining Mobility with Veteran Horses

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help to improve and maintain general mobility in older and veteran horses. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Maintaining and Improving Lateral Suppleness and the Ability to Bend

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to help improve and maintain lateral suppleness and the horse’s ability to bend through the spine. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Maintaining and Improving Lateral work

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to help improve and maintain the horse’s ability to move sideways, abduct and adduct the limb and perform lateral moves such as leg-yield, shoulder-in, travers, renvers, pirouettes and half-pass. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving and Maintaining Neck Mobility and Suppleness

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help to improve movement and maintain mobility in the neck. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving and Maintaining Back Mobility and Suppleness

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to help improve movement and maintain mobility in the back. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving and Maintaining Mobility and Suppleness within the Lumbosacral Junction and Pelvic Region

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that will help improve movement and maintain mobility in the lumbosacral junction region. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Maintaining Mobility and Suppleness within the Temporomandibular and Hyoid Region

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that will help improve movement and maintain mobility in the temporomandibular and hyoid region. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist
Strengthening Young Horses

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help to strengthen young or weak horses, particularly in preparation for future work in good balance and posture. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Strengthening Horses in Preparation for Ridden Work

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help to prepare horses for ridden work, particularly looking to strengthen the muscles involved in maintaining good back posture and carrying the weight of a rider. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving Core Muscle Strength and Tone

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help to generally improve core muscle strength. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving Abdominal Muscle Strength and Tone

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to help strengthen the abdominal muscles. They are good for horses with long, weak abdominal muscles. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving the Strength and Tone of the Forelimb Lateral Stabiliser Muscles

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help to strengthen the forelimb lateral stabiliser muscles. These are important for good balance, protecting the limb against injury particularly when the horse is turning, twisting and moving sideways. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving the Strength and Tone of the Hindlimb Lateral Stabiliser Muscles

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help to strengthen the hindlimb lateral stabiliser muscles. These are important for good balance, protecting the limb against injury particularly when the horse is turning, twisting and moving sideways. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving the Strength and Tone of the Thoracic Sling Muscles

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to help strengthen the thoracic sling muscles, which are important for good posture and forehand balance. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving the Strength and Tone of the Hip and LSJ Flexor Muscles

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help strengthen the hip and lumbosacral flexor muscles, which are important for good hindlimb action, the ability to bring the hindlimb under the body, collection and supporting back posture. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving the Strength and Tone of the Hindlimb Muscles

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help to improve general hindlimb strength generally. This is important for propulsion, power and support. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving Back Strength and Back Muscle Tone

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help to strengthen the back. These are useful for strengthening the ability of the back to both carry weight and transfer forces. A stronger back is less likely to incur injury. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving the Strength and Ability to Perform Collection Moves

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to help strengthen the horse’s ability for collection. These encourage the horse’s ability to ‘sit’, ‘carry weight behind’ and work with increased limb joint flexion whilst maintaining a good back posture. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving the Strength and Ability to Jump

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help to improve the horse’s ability to jump, improving push and power at take-off, scope, and ability to balance and recover on landing. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving the Postural Issue of Being on the Forehand

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to help horses that tend to work on the forehand, have a forehand heavy balance, a forward and down posture of the thorax between the front legs and weak thoracic sling muscles. Before commencing these exercises, it is important to ensure any pain related cause of this problem has been removed. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Developing Tone and Strength in the Top Line Muscles

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help horses which have weakness in and poor development of the top line muscles. Before commencing these exercises, it is important to ensure any pain related cause of this problem has been removed. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving the Postural Issue of a High Head Carriage

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help horses which maintain a high head carriage often associated with a larger “bull” lower neck. Before commencing these exercises, it is important to ensure any pain related cause of this problem has been removed. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving the Postural Issue of an Extended Back Posture

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help horses that improve an extended back posture. Before commencing these exercises, it is important to ensure any pain related cause of this problem has been removed. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving the Postural Issue of a Straight Hind Limb

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to help horses which have a straight or retracted hind limb posture due to weakness. Before commencing these exercises, it is important to ensure any pain related cause of this problem has been removed. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving General Balance

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help horses generally improve their balance. Poor balance is often seen in young horses and those who have had limited variety of exercise. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving Coordination and Proprioception

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help horses generally improve their coordination and proprioception. Poor coordination and proprioception is often seen in young horses, those who have had limited variety of exercise or those recovering from injury. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Alleviating a Sore Back

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help horses with a sore back. Before commencing these exercises, it is important to understand the cause of your horse’s discomfort and ensure any painful cause has been removed. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving Comfort and Performance with Cold Back Horses

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that may help horses that are cold backed. Before commencing these exercises, it is important to understand the cause of your horse’s discomfort and ensure any painful cause has been removed. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Correcting Asymmetry

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help horses with straightness and symmetry issues. Before commencing these exercises, it is important to understand the cause of your horse’s asymmetry and ensure any painful cause has been removed. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Improving the Ability to Accept the Contact

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that may help horses that have difficulty accepting a contact. Before commencing these exercises, it is imperative to understand the cause of your horse’s discomfort, ensure any painful cause has been removed and that all tack and bits are comfortable. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Rehabilitation and Management for Horses with Forelimb Suspensory, Flexor Tendon, Ligament or Joint Capsule Injuries

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to include in a rehabilitation programme for horses with forelimb suspensory ligament injury or digital flexor tendon injury. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. It is imperative that you take advice from your vet and physiotherapist as to the suitability, timing of introduction and number of repetitions of the exercises appropriate for your individual horse’s injury and stage of recovery.
Rehabilitation and Management for Horses with Hindlimb Suspensory, Flexor Tendon, Ligament or Joint Capsule Injuries

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to include in a rehabilitation programme for horses with hindlimb suspensory ligament injury or digital flexor tendon injury. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. It is imperative that you take advice from your vet and physiotherapist as to the suitability, timing of introduction and number of repetitions of the exercises appropriate for your individual horse’s injury and stage of recovery.
Rehabilitation and Management for Horses with Hock Issues

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to include in a rehabilitation or maintenance programme for horses with hock issues. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. It is imperative that you take advice from your vet and physiotherapist as to the suitability, timing of introduction and number of repetitions of the exercises appropriate for your individual horse’s injury/ condition and stage of recovery.
Rehabilitation and Management for Horses with Weak, Sticky or Locking Stifles

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to include in a rehabilitation programme for horses with weak, sticky or locking stifles. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. It is imperative that you take advice from your vet and physiotherapist as to the suitability, timing of introduction and number of repetitions of the exercises appropriate for your individual horse’s condition, strength and stage of recovery.
Rehabilitation and Management for Horses with Sacroiliac Issues

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to include in a rehabilitation programme for horses with sacroiliac issues. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. It is imperative that you take advice from your vet and physiotherapist as to the suitability, timing of introduction and number of repetitions of the exercises appropriate for your individual horse’s injury / condition, strength, posture and stage of recovery.
Rehabilitation and Management for Horses with Kissing Spine

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to include in a rehabilitation programme for horses with kissing spines. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. It is imperative that you take advice from your vet and physiotherapist as to the suitability, timing of introduction and number of repetitions of the exercises appropriate for your individual horse’s condition, treatment, strength, posture and stage of recovery.
Rehabilitation and Management for Horses with Neck Pain

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to include in a rehabilitation programme for horses with neck pain. Before commencing these exercises, it is important to understand the cause of your horse’s discomfort and ensure any painful cause has been removed. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. It is imperative that you take advice from your vet and physiotherapist as to the suitability, timing of introduction and number of repetitions of the exercises appropriate for your individual horse’s injury / condition, strength, posture and stage of recovery.
Management for Horses with Tying up

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to include in a rehabilitation programme for horses which have tied up. Before commencing these exercises, it is imperative to have clean blood results and the all-clear from the vet. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. Take advice from your vet and physiotherapist as to the suitability, timing of introduction and number of repetitions of the exercises appropriate to your individual horse’s injury / condition, strength, posture and stage of recovery.
Supporting Comfort and Performance when Increasing Fitness

Here is a list of appropriate exercises to support comfort and performance when horses are undergoing a programme aiming to increase fitness. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Supporting Comfort and Performance when there are Digestive Issues

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that support comfort and performance when horses have digestive issues, for example, stomach ulcers, scouring, faecal water. It is imperative that you take advice from your vet as to the suitability, timing of introduction and number of repetitions of the exercises appropriate for your individual horse’s condition. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the efficacy of these exercises, or the suitability for your horse, do not perform them until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Supporting Comfort and Performance when on Box Rest

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that help support comfort and performance when horses are on box rest. Of course, the appropriateness of these exercises depends on why your horse is on box rest. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the suitability for your horse, do not perform the exercises until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Supporting Comfort and Performance when Doing Walk Work

Here is a list of appropriate exercises for supporting comfort and performance when horses are on walk work only. The appropriateness of these exercises will depend on the reason why your horse is on walk work. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the suitability for your horse, do not perform the exercises until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Supporting comfort and performance on the immediate days after and when recovering from intense exercise

Here is a list of appropriate exercises that support comfort and performance when horses are recovering from intense exercise - perfect for performing on a day off. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the suitability for your horse, do not perform the exercises until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Supporting Comfort and Performance for Warm up

Here is a list of exercises which are great to be used as part of a warm-up before a work out. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the suitability for your horse, do not perform the exercises until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.
Supporting Comfort and Performance in Cool Down

Here is a list of exercises which are great to be included at the end of a cool-down after a work out. Select the exercises from this list that you feel are most appropriate for your horse’s strength and stage. If in any doubt as to the suitability for your horse, do not perform the exercises until you have sought advice from your vet or therapist.