Like many of you, I was truly saddened by the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Steadfast, loyal, devoted, respected, selfless, calm are just some of the words that have been used to describe Queen Elizabeth II. For me and I’m sure for many of you too, The Queen has been the one constant throughout my life. As the world around her has been constantly changing during her 70 years as our Monarch, she has been that constant figure that’s been there to see us through the highs and the lows.
It’s also our mutual love of horses that I feel has brought us closer together. Horses were one of Queen Elizabeth's true passions and I’m sure that her life-long interest and support within the equestrian world will be greatly missed.
As we all deal with this loss in our own way and look forward to the future. I have a feeling of immense gratitude tinged with sadness, as I realise that we’ll never see her again and there won’t be another queen during my lifetime, which does feel a little surreal at the moment.
At these times I feel it can help to look back on precious memories and it’s been lovely to hear many stories from people who had met The Queen. I was lucky to meet her back in October 2017. I was invited to Hyde Park Barracks, London as part of a visit from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and HRH Prince Charles. I had been involved in anatomical training for the soldiers of the household cavalry. I’d spent the morning painting Quinn, a British Cavalry Black, with the skeleton in preparation for the Queen’s visit. It was such an honour and something I will never forget. The Queen was particularly interested in the anatomy of the neck and the type of paint I use.
As we remember what impact the Queen has had on our lives, we need to remember that she was also a loving and caring mother, grandmother and great grandmother. My thoughts are with them all at this time and I would like to extend my heartfelt condolences to all of the Royal Family.
