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Icelandic Horses Inside Out

Updated: Nov 30, 2022

Saturday 16th March 2019 I was honoured to present a live painted horse day seminar for the judges of International Federation of Icelandic Horses (FEIF). It was a very international event with judges coming from Iceland, Scandinavia, Germany, USA and the UK. The focus was on studying the biomechanical connections of the horse, posture, compensation and how the Icelandic horse creates movement in all the gaits (walk, tolt, trot, pace and canter). A fascinating time had by all. Thank you to Fi Pugh for arranging and riding, to Becca Hughes for bringing her horse and lunging, to everyone who helped paint and to both horses; Baren and Radius. Ashfields was such a beautiful venue.

For everyone interested in Icelandic Horses you will be pleased to hear that Tolt and Pace are included in my new book and video course ANATOMY IN ACTION

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