During the lockdown, we have certainly not been idle! As well as several popular blogs and short informative videos on our website...
...We have published our first multimedia book, which contains comprehensive video lectures.
and more recently a mindfulness colouring book:

This is our most exciting and adventurous project yet. It is a stunning book and a detailed online biomechanics course in horse movement.The book includes fold out pages of still photographs of horses performing 28 different movements for you to study and there are 28 videos of the same movements with voice overs by Gillian describing the biomechanics.
The book is of interest to coaches, therapists, vets, competitors, students, riders and anyone interested in the anatomy and biomechanics of movement.
You will be able to buy the book, the video movement course or both. Pre-Order Now!

This is the second in our multimedia book series and a sequel to the sacroiliac book. It will be available before Christmas. Look out for it on social media. We will also be sending you a personal email when the time comes.