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In this on-demand seminar, we are delighted to be joined by the well-known independent nutritionist Clare MacLeod and veterinarian and probiotics specialist, Liam Gamble.


To start, in true Horses Inside Out style, Gillian takes you on an anatomical journey through the gastrointestinal tract. Clare, who provides unbiased, dietary information and is passionate about nutrition, health and fitness then looks at the theory of feeding and in her second presentation examines hows to put theory into practice and look at a range of feed plans suitable for different types of horses. Veterinarian and gut health specialist Liam Gamble, gives an overview of the equine microbiota, the past, present and future perspectives. 


This 5-hour recorded online seminar includes:-

  • How to ensure optimal health by keeping the digestive tract healthy.

  • Feeding forage first and why.

  • Selecting the best type of forage.

  • Why forage alone is not a balanced diet.

  • A simple 3 part guide on how to balance the diet.

  • How to choose concentrates that best fit the horse's digestive tract.

  • What not to do and why. 

  • Feeding plans for horses that are in work, over or underweight.

  • How to feed horses in musculoskeletal rehabilitation.

  • Practical tips to keep your horse healthy.


Running time: 5 hours

Certificate of Participation

Approved CPD training (5 points) with the BHS


Anytime - Anywhere - As many times as you like
Once purchased, you can access and watch this online seminar at anytime and as many times as you like from any device and from the comfort of your own home


Already Purchased? Watch HERE

Digestive Anatomy, Feeding and Nutrition

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