he complex anatomical and biomechanical connections of the horse’s head (including the hyoid and the TMJ) to the rest of the horse’s body mean that comfort in this area can have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the horse’s body and performance.
In a world where horses are often asked to perform at high levels and social license is starting to be questioned, it is important, whatever our involvement with horses that we have a thorough understanding of the pressures placed upon the horse’s head and the potential problems they can cause. Dental disease, bit and bridle fit can cause poor performance, and it is up to us to learn to recognize the signs when things aren’t quite right.
This seminar – presented by Dr Chris Pearce and Gillian Higgins is aimed at equestrian professionals and horse owners who are keen to learn about the anatomy of the horse’s head and how it can be applied to improve the comfort, training and way of going of the horse.
What's Included:
Video Presentations:-
- Anatomical Connections with Gillian (52 mins)
- Dental Disease as a Cause of Poor Performance with Chris (1 hour)
- Anatomy of the Head Related to Bridle Fit and Design with Gillian (33 mins)
- Bitting Injuries and How to Avoid them with Chris (1 hour)
- Modern Dental Practices – A tour of the EDC with Gillian (15mins)
- Modern Dentistry Practices – What’s the New Normal? with Chris (47 mins)
- The TMJ and Hyoid Apparatus – Anatomy and Biomechanics with Gillian (25 mins)
- The TMJ and Hyoid Apparatus – A Scientific Review of Problems with Chris (50 mins)
- 4 x Question and Answer Sessions
Course Notes and Scientific Papers
Certificate of Participation
Running Time: 8 hours
Lifetime on-demand access to the lectures. Watch anytime as many times as you like on any device.
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