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Covering the anatomy of the brain, how it works and how this knowledge can be applied to handling, training, welfare and management, this recorded online seminar, which also includes a useful insight into stereotypical behaviours and an online brain dissection is a must for therapists, trainers, students and indeed all equine professionals.

This recorded online seminar with Dr Andrew Hemmings is for professionals and students within the equine industry. Whether you are a vet, behaviourist, trainer, coach, rider, therapist, hoof care or saddlery professional this is a great course for you.


Presentations include:


  • Anatomy of the Brain (1 hour 40 minutes)
    related to riding, training, behaviour therapy and management with question and answer session at end.

  • Dissection of the Brain (1 hour 35 minutes)
    related to training, therapy and management. Includes both fresh and preserved specimens. with question and answer session at end.

  • Training the Brain (1 hour 35 minutes)
    behavioural and cognitive indicators of brain activity and how these can be applied by trainers and horse keepers. Include question and answer session at end.


Running time: 5 hours

Handouts and Scientific Papers

Certificate of Participation

Approved CPD training (5 points) with the BHS


Anytime - Anywhere - As many times as you like
Once purchased, you can access and watch this online seminar at anytime and as many times as you like from any device and from the comfort of your own home


Already Purchased? Watch HERE

Training the Brain

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